Beauty & Originality Since 1994

SG Liquid Metal AA1 (Chrome Finish & Leather) Bracelet by Sergio Gutierrez


SG Liquid Metal is an original fashion brand, with a reputation for innovation and craftsmanship. The Liquid Metal ball chain mesh is the master stroke to this unique bracelet. The style of this magical leather and ball chain mesh is a profound statement to make heads turn.

- Limited edition.
- Size: 8" Length x 1/2" width.
- Please measure your wrist prior to ordering above bump/wrist bone. Order it One (1) inch more than your wrist measurement as this bracelet overlaps when clasped on, losing 0.5 inches. Measurements are given from end to end.
- Chrome ball chain mesh embellishments.
- Magnet closure with SG logo.
- Available in: Black Leather, Red Leather, Blue Leather, Pink Leather.

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